Georgia Alimony Lawyers
One of the critical and contentious parts of any divorce is the issue of alimony. Also known as spousal support, alimony in Georgia is often a complex part of an already emotional situation, causing even more pain and frustration. To make matters worse, depending on exactly how the relationship broke down, only some individuals are willing to make payments of any kind to their former spouse.
With the rise in marriages where both parties work, alimony has become less common due in part to Georgia alimony laws instructing judges only to order spousal support if necessary. Luckily, a Fulton County alimony lawyer from North Georgia Family Lawyers, LLC, can help you navigate this difficult time and help you get a fair outcome.
What Factors Affect Spousal Support Rulings?
Judges will consider several things when determining whether or not to rule in favor of alimony for one spouse or the other and how much that would be. Factors include the length of the marriage, contributions to the marriage, the physical and mental condition of each party, the standard of living, each party’s earning capacity, and more.
An experienced Fulton County divorce lawyer understands all of these factors and the evidence needed to make a compelling argument both for and against spousal support. This ensures that you receive a fair and just ruling that is tailored to your unique situation.
Types of Alimony
There are different types of alimony in Georgia that can be awarded based on the circumstances of the case. Alimony can be temporary, periodic, or permanent.
Temporary Alimony
Temporary alimony is usually awarded to the lower-earning spouse to provide financial support during the divorce process until a final decision on alimony is made. This type of alimony is not meant to be a permanent arrangement and usually ends once the divorce is finalized.
It is designed to assist the lower-earning spouse with the cost of living during the divorce proceedings and to ensure that both parties can maintain a standard of living similar to what they had during the marriage. It can also provide a sense of financial stability during a time of great uncertainty, which can be especially important if one spouse has been financially dependent on the other.
Permanent Alimony
Though much rarer, a judge may rule that a spouse is entitled to permanent alimony. This spousal support lasts as both parties are alive and the receiving party does not remarry. Permanent alimony is typically awarded when there is a near impossibility of one spouse being able to support themselves after the divorce.
Periodic Alimony
Periodic alimony is a type of permanent alimony. But as the name suggests, this is a form of alimony that is usually paid in installments over a pre-determined period of time. The amount of the payments and the length of the payments can vary substantially from couple to couple.
This is beneficial for those wishing to spread out the payments as opposed to a single, one-time payment. There may also be certain tax benefits as it is usually tax-deductible as well as reportable as income. You may also be able to adjust the amount of each payment, though not the duration of the payments.
Protect Your Financial Future With Our Fulton County Alimony Lawyer
As you can see, the conditions of alimony in Georgia can vary dramatically. To be sure that you get the fairest outcome possible, it is crucial to obtain a Fulton County alimony lawyer to help you argue your case. Additionally, if you need to modify your existing spousal support ruling due to a change in financial situation for either you or your former spouse, you need an attorney with a deep understanding of Georgia alimony laws.
Luckily, the experienced team at North Georgia Family Lawyers, LLC, can help. We strive to understand the unique situation facing each of our clients and aggressively advocate to protect and pursue their interests. Call us at 404-765-6445 to learn more.